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Venezuela was a collaborative project with MA Graphic Design student Carlos Cortes, based around the imprisonment of political dissidents for doing even the smallest things, such as tweeting negatively about the president.

Trying to find a way to express visually the constraints of freedom and at the same time trying to support protests, we came up with the use of 3D printing and laser cutting to create a type that could not only be used for posters but as a protest prop itself.

The Venezuela prop was created by myself, taking the Font Carlos had created and bringing into 3D using laser cutting. Then attaching using this as a chain to 3D printed handcuffs, taken from thingiverse and edited. This was then photographed By Carlos and edited for Campaign use.

Photo 11-03-2016 15 52 17.jpg
Photo 11-03-2016 15 27 30.jpg
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